By: Arif Khan.
Earth Ground
In electrical {High Voltage Circuits} Earth Ground is a connection of electrical circuit with the earth itself. The ground in electronics refers to the 0V reference point, reference voltage, or ground is used to determine the voltage on a certain component in a circuit with reference to 0V. In an electronic circuit, the negative terminal of the battery is considered to be Ground at 0V.

Chassy Ground
Chassy ground is the connection of the electronic circuit with a metal (conducting) enclosure. A chassis ground may be used for shielding and grounding to prevent electrical shock. This is then connected to Earth’s ground at one point.

How electronic circuits can be grounded
Adding a ground wire does not change the function of the circuit. It only changes the potential with respect to the ground. This is true when there is only ONE connection to the ground so that no current can flow between the circuit and the ground.
In this example, only the point of grounding is changed. Note that the currents and the potential differences within the circuit are unchanged.

Short Circuit
This is the condition when one or more than one of the components in the circuit has been bypassed by a wire connected in parallel across them as shown in the diagram below which is showing the flow of current with red dashed wire.

The condition of a short circuit occurs because the current will always flow in the least resistive path which is given to it by the conducting wire rather than the resistor which is connected to the circuit.

In the above-given circuit, two bulbs A and B are connected in a series bulb B is in a short circuit condition when this happens only bulb A will glow, current and voltage drop on bulb B will be zero because the current will flow through the wire connected across bulb B.
AND & OR Logic using Switch
The following circuit diagram is showing that how AND & OR logic can be created by using a combination of switches.